larson jewelers

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Well, I know I won't have a problem with overeating tomorrow (Thanksgiving Day). Reece brought home a lovely little stomach virus this past weekend and now Ward and I both have it. The rough part will be over today, but I know (from Reece's experience) that tomorrow we will be wiped out and still have no appetite. So we are postponing our celebrating until my niece is here from Hawaii the first week of December. We were already planning a low-key celebration tomorrow with just my parents and then going to have a bigger shindig when Michelle is here. I won't even begin to describe the lovely background noises Ward is making right now...

Everyone please have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!!! Count your blessings and thank God for them.

Oh, one layout to share:

Journaling: I loved designing this quilt! Audrey Hiers taught a wall-hanging quilt class for me and some of my friends. She told us the basic quilt blocks she wanted us to use and then challenged us to “make it yours”. I love all things designed by Susan Branch so borrowed her basic house design (with its crooked chimney) for my quilt. The blocks represent a home filled with love to overflowing. I was so pleased with how it turned out even though it took me two years to complete, starting in 2004 and finishing in 2006. It looks great in our home and matches the colors of the full size quilt I made in 2002.

Stacie Prinzo Cascia Papers
Kathy Moore "Washed Worn and Faded" corner stitches
Ztampf Fhung Lie's artistitches
Christine Smith Watercolor Alpha
Font: Century Gothic

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