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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Catching Up

A New Year! Don't you just love fresh starts? I have been eating better and thus am feeling better. I feel God working on several things in my heart and speaking to me often about my life and the lives of those around me. I'm excited! Change is painful, but when needed, so good!

Tyler turned 17 on the 7th. Where did the last 17 years go???
The two page spread below is of Tyler and his friend, Katie, before the
y left for the homeschool group's winter formal dance. Click the images for credits.
Christa Joy will be 20 next month. I was 20 when I had her. Now that makes me feel old. This will be the only year that she will be half my age.

I did a photoshoot with her last month. The layouts below showcase the results:
Click image above for credits

The above layout was done for Andrea Burns' CT call, so it's not posted anywhere else online yet. All items are from her CT call kit, except for word art by Marsha Zepeda and Laura Alpuche's Messy Frameworks.

Our local homeschool co-op started up again last Tuesday for the final semester of the year. Being the registration coordinator means it's a busy time for me. I also tend to fill the hat of co-director and also, our info coordinator has just started chemo for breast cancer, so I'm helping out there too. It's such a great program, it's really worth the effort!

Until next time...

1 comment:

:::Melanie::: said...

Beautiful LO's Bretta! Your kids are gorgeous and your son and his friend look like they are having so much fun!

OH and I tagged you on my blog!

Come see:

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