larson jewelers

Friday, July 11, 2008

Almost a year

Well, if I waited a full year from my last post then I would miss telling everyone that Christa Joy is getting married on August 15th. It's a lovely story, full of testimony to waiting for the right person. Their story can be found here.


the Albino Bowler said...
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the Albino Bowler said...

Hello Bretta. I see that you have found the kangaroo rodeo and I'm pleased that you've been chiming in. For this experiment, feedback and interaction with curious and insightful writers is crucial. I'm creating a traveler's tale in a virtual environment about subject matter that is completely new for me. I just posted some incredible live footage and I'm about to pick up where I left off with Chef Scary. I'm curious when and why YOU lived in Australia. I hope and expect to hear from you again very soon...

IndieBride said...

Hey... I'm married now. :-p Love you mom!

IndieBride said...

You've been tagged on my page and you better do it!

I love you!

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