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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Pretty a new header on my blog and then don't post again for a month! So, I've ditched the Valentine header (but not my Valentine!).

The biggest thing that happened in February is that Christa Joy has gone to Texas for a month to spend time having quiet and praying about her future. She is staying at the ministry headquarters where Ward and I met and married. She's been gone for eight days - we all miss her lots! But it's all good, we trust she will hear from God and come back rested and refreshed.

I've been doing some study from the book "Praying God's Word" by Beth Moore.
I'll try to share some of what I've been learning over the next few days. Very exciting stuff.

On the scrapping front, I was in a bit of a slump, but picked up and finished two layouts over the last two days. One is the layout I based my blog header on found here (I love the picture Tyler took of me) and the other is this one (click image for credits):

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